


Introducing safer bio-pesticides in small farms

How can we enhance crop production without burdening the environment with destructive chemicals?

Agro-Safe is producing bio-fertilisers and inoculants based on local microbes which are target specific and non-pathogenic to humans, without any genetic modification. These products provide lasting, environmentally friendly and safe pest management, and have proved effective in increasing crop yield at field trials on commercial flower and horticulture producing farms, as well as agricultural fields.


  • Yonas Chekol Belay

    Yonas Chekol Belay

    Addis Ababa University

    I am a Microbiologist professional specialized in the field of Applied Microbiology. I have more than 15 years of experience in different activities of applied microbiology including university lecturer and advising M.Sc students and PhD students recently. I have been also working at Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research EIAR as plant pathologist. I am well experienced professional in different field of applied microbiology of food microbiology, industrial microbiology, agricultural microbiology, medical microbiology and molecular microbiology. Isolation, Characterization, Identification, Enzyme production and assay, molecular techniques, Preservation of microorganisms, production of microbial bio-pesticides and field application are my routine activities in the past decade. more

  • Prof. Fasil Asefa

    Addis Ababa University

    Professor Fassil Assefa is currently Professor of Microbiology at the Department of Microbial, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Addis Ababa University (AAU). He received his PhD in Soil Microbiology from the University of Bayreuth, Germany (1993). He has served AAU as Associate Dean of Students of the Faculty of Science and Head of the Department of Microbial, Cellular and Molecular Biology. Professor Fassil has been Vice- President and President of the Biological Society of Ethiopia, and is currently Associate Editor of the Journal of Biological Sciences. He is a recipient of several research awards and served as PI and CO-PI of regional and international programs such as East African Biotechnology and Bio-safety Initiative (Bio-EARN) and Healthy Seedling Production in Eastern Africa, with collaborators from Eastern African countries, and of projects from Sweden, Finland, and Austria. He has published more than 70 papers in peer-reviewed journals in the field of Plant Microbiology, Microbial Ecology, and Waste management. more


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