


Preserve your food without power

Aliz is a non-electric, sun-powered food dryer. Drying one’s food is one of the oldest and healthiest ways of preserving it. The drying process allows for long-term, compact storage while retaining vitamins, minerals and flavour. Many contemporary food dryers and dehydrators require electricity, adding unnecessary waste and expense to the process. Aliz provides a more sustainable alternative that allows the user to dry her food with sunlight alone.


  • Myriam Meyer

    Myriam Meyer

    ECAL, Lausanne University of Art and Design

    Actually working at, Myriam Meyer was born and raised in the Swiss countryside. Graduate applied art in Vevey in 2008 and Bachelor in Industrial Design at ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne in 2018. Curious and sensitive about materials & landscapes, she likes to work with different scales, architecture is often nearby even in small objects.more

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