


Integrated platform making food banks more efficient, connecting donors and those in need

CHOSEN rethinks the food pantry experience making it more humane for people who need support, creating an opportunity to recognise and reinforce a sense of community through more human interactions and individual care. Items donated are registered in the system, uploading an up-to-date list of available foods to an app from which clients can shop online. Volunteers pre-pack CHOSEN bags, alleviating long wait times. Through the service data can be collected about favourite foods, recipes can be shared and information about clients needs and healthy food choices can be evaluated.


# Food


# Service Design


Pratt Institute


  • Zheng Yi Ren

    Zheng Yi Ren

    Pratt Institute

    I believe design should serve the people and catalyze changes in our society. As an aspiring industrial designer, I have been actively converting my imaginations into creative solutions to generate more happiness and convenience for the users. My interests and skills lie in several distinct fields, such as technology, service, toy, apparel, and illustration; they enrich my knowledge and experience, all the while granting me opportunities to combine and reflect. By interconnecting the different areas, I strive to bring to the world objects and ideas that are practical, beautiful, playful, and most importantly, helpful. more

    Portfolio LinkedIn Instagram

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