
“Class is Over!”


A board game to keep unsupervised children safe

As of 2017, there are 15.5 million children aged zero to seven living without their parents in rural China. As many adults travel to the city for work, these ‘left-behind children’ grow up either with their grandparents or unsupervised, leading to a disproportionately high number of them dying from accidental injuries such as drowning or traffic accidents. ‘Class is Over!’ is an educational game that seeks to tackle this issue by teaching school children about basic health and safety. Subjects covered include dangerous weather conditions, fire, electricity and interactions with other children and adults.


  • Xiaoqian Mou

    Xiaoqian Mou

    Hunan University

    Xiaoqian Mou believes that the core of design is people-oriented, not limited to the form of design. Technology, interaction and service are all tools for design, so design is not limited to product design or service design, but to solve problems. Xiaoqian devotes herself to the study of persuasive game design (PGD). She believes that PGD plays an important role in all fields of design. PGD in product design makes it easier for users to be interested in and continue to use this project. Miss Vandro once said, "I don't want to be interesting, I want to be good." but Xiaoqian said, "I hope my design is interesting and good."more


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