


Pro-socialising headsets

One of public transport's social effects is that it increases people's tolerance for sharing spaces. How may this be affected in a post-isolation period?. Project Echoo explores the use of headsets as a socializing tool, once public transport is safe again. To ease a transition back to close proximity situations, it uses existing bluetooth features to lower music levels and encourage interaction with the environment and people around the user.


  • Team DIC

    National University of Singapore

    The Design Incubation Centre (DIC) is participating in the emergence of new design talents by helping the young generation of Singaporean designers to develop and achieve their ideas and projects. By also being a look-out post of future trends, DIC is contributing to identifying the new territories where Design will tend and take action in the coming decades. Thus, DIC has the mission to feed, inspire, support, reveal and promote the students and young Designers from the Division of Industrial Design of the National University of Singapore through its contribution to the pedagogy. Team: Christophe Gaubert (Director), Willie Tay, Yuta Nakamura, Ricky Ho, Poh Yun Ru, Lin Qiuxia, Sheryl Teng.more

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