
Intelligent View System (IVS)


View system for drivers that eliminates blind spots

The Intelligent View System is an automated device that enables a car's rear view mirrors to adjust relative to the user’s head position. Based on research demonstrating that the improper adjustment of rear view mirrors enlarges the driver's blind spot, the IVS reduces the chance of collisions due to poor visibility. Combining a micro-controller with a camera attached to the dashboard, the IVS detects the driver's face and establishes the optimal mirror position. If the camera perceives a notable change in position, the process repeats, leaving the driver free to focus on the road. Unlike radars and ultrasonic sensors, the Intelligent View System is affordable and easy to install.


  • Mark Selvan

    Mark Selvan

    University of Science, Malaysia

    A highly dedicated Mechanical Engineer, passionate to gain new experience and knowledge in engineering field, enthusiastic to work in a challenging environment, and committed to deliver the best of my abilities all the time.more


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