


Explore the stars and record your trip

Kosme is an astronomy app for young students available in the Google Play store. While the user browses the sky looking for astronomical objects, stickers can be collected from the ones actually observed. All actions create entries in a journal, where notes can also be added. Kosme’s objective is to stimulate learning astronomy through personal observations on preferred subjects, which can be enhanced through expert knowledge when needed.


  • Leticia Ratkiewicz

    Leticia Ratkiewicz

    Santa Catarina State University

    Leticia Ratkiewicz graduated from Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina in 2015 with a degree in Graphic Design. This app project, Kosme, inspired her to pursue a career in the field of Interaction Design. She is currently pursuing a postgraduate degree in User-Centered Design at Universidade Positivo and working as UX Designer of apps and softwares.more

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