
Makina Murmuro


Crazy kinetic sculpture for relaxation/mindfulness

Makina Murmuro is a mechanical device that encourages the user to ‘space out’. Designed in response to the overloading of the modern brain, mostly with useless information, Makina Murmuro places the mind into a meditative sleep mode. Powered by a 12 RPM motor, the device’s 72 gears rotate its 72 panels, de-stressing the observer with its rhythm. While observing the motion, users are able to switch off all of the insistent, but ultimately insignificant information that surrounds them. Making Murmuro allows a crucial rest from the overwhelming digital age.


  • Juhong Park

    Juhong Park

    Seoul National University

    I am an industrial designer but my main interest is making kinetic artworks with my bare hands. I am Currently continuing my study in Industrial design, graduate school of Seoul National University in HCID lab where I am exploring the possibilities of applying kinetic movements to human computer interaction design. When I am not busy making things, I love wandering around places where it's unfamiliar and hope to encounter unexpected events from my neighborhood to countries abroad. There are just so many things to see, hear, touch and taste in this green planet.more


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