


A radio where each station is a friend

Melo is a real-time music-sharing device designed to increase connections between seniors and their loved ones. The device functions similar to an FM radio, but instead of public radio stations, users scroll through their social contacts and hear their music in real-time — joining them together in a musical experience. Likewise, if you choose to listen to your own music, friends and family can listen along, no matter where they are. The music is intended to fill the space and drown out the silence with pleasurable, selected sounds rather than television chatter. Melo was inspired by the alarming number of older people around the world who report regularly feeling lonely. It is a machine for bringing people together through music, across time and space.


  • Christel Tiu

    Christel Tiu

    University of Illinois at Chicago

    Christel is a recent graduate of the Industrial Design Master's program at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Originally from the Philippines, she moved to Los Angeles to pursue her undergraduate degree in Business Administration and a minor in Animation and Digital Arts at the University of Southern California. After working in the marketing industry, she discovered that her interests fell mostly in the product creation side of the business process rather than sales. She decided to pursue this new found interest by going back to school. Through her 2 year thesis journey at UIC, she was able to discover, not only, who she was as a designer and her personal design process, but also things she felt strongly about in life. When she is not working as a freelance design consultant, she preoccupies herself with personal design, craft and illustration projects.more

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