
Out of Sight Drawer


Hiding knives from dementia patients

Out of Sight Drawer is a kitchen drawer insert that protects Alzheimer’s patients from potentially harmful culinary tools. By creating a false bottom, the Out of Sight Drawer provides a camouflaged layer where dangerous objects can be stored, without the inconvenience and hostility of drawer locks. The design’s easy-to-remove bottom allows caregivers unhindered access to the hidden implements, providing an unobtrusive system that allows for the everyday care of Alzheimer’s sufferers without disturbing the natural living environment.


  • Caitlin McIver

    Caitlin McIver

    Pratt Institute

    Caitlin McIver is an industrial designer living and working in New York City. She values the relationships people have with one another, themselves, and the world around them. She strives to design empathic objects that enhance these relationships beautifully, simply, and seamlessly.more

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