
Root Link


Plant roots for sustainable, structurally sound construction biomaterial

Root Link explores bio-integrated structures, harnessing plant root systems to enhance the structural integrity of ‘living soil’ constructions in urban settings. Addressing the challenges of expanding cities and decreasing green spaces, this initiative promotes the concept of self-regenerating living elements as construction materials. By examining the interaction of plant roots with diverse structures, the project reveals their potential in binding and stabilising constructions. Root Link offers guidelines to boost urban biodiversity, reduce waste, and promote resource efficiency, paving the way for sustainable, living architecture.

Wei Zhang

  • Wei Zhang

    Wei Zhang

    Imperial College London

    Wei’s work explores the endless potential of fabrication techniques when combined with unique materials and the consideration of craftsmanship. Through studying material limitations, he has gained an acute insight into how to design and prototype with non-traditional materials. By expanding the possibilities of applications in his project, Wei presents innovative methods of processing and transforming unconventional materials. In Wei’s recent projects, he explores the method of enhancing material performance through employing digital adaptation in fabrication techniques. Understanding how to approach and breach fabrication limitations, Wei designs with the freedom of creativity. more

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