


Robot agriculture for a world without bees

Stem is a new agricultural system that grows and pollinates plants to produce food without bees. Stem is a response to the ongoing threat of bee extinction, but rather than providing a means to save the bee population, it assumes a worst case scenario and seeks to design a way to live without them. The project applies existing technologies to artificially recreate ideal ecosystems and natural processes for food cultivation. Within the Stem system, plants will grow in automated warehouses on a vertical carousel. The pollination of plants is done by robotic arms equipped with a special tool that uses magnetically charged styluses to transfer pollen from plant to plant, thus simulating a process currently performed by insects.


  • Peter Cheah

    Peter Cheah

    Monash University

    I'm an Australian designer who is passionate about solving wicked problems through systems and products. I have a great interest in engineering and machinery. I prefer function and reliability to aesthetics and I like to draw inspiration from the processes of the natural world, these processes and mechanisms found here are efficient and effective if recreated correctly. I am becoming more interested in the user interface and experience behind products and designing for speculative futures.more

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