# mena 2020 StorIT |
The ultimate goal of the project is to reduce electronic waste by giving a new purpose to mobile phones which would otherwise be discarded. The application has two key user groups: clients that need storage capacity and mobile phone owners who want to make their device's storage available to others via cloud.
StorIT Links:
Project WebsiteWater consumption in agriculture accounts for 75% of our total fresh water use, greatly contributing to the issue if water scarcity.
American University of Sharjah
"Benev’lnt” is an innovative solution to problems of waste in the clothing and textile industry arising from fast fashion.
Camp-cycle is a camp experience for the 7-14 age group, encouraging participants to engage in up-cycling activities related to the pollution of the Nile River.
Greenwave is a recycling initiative created to provoke action and raise awareness about the importance of recycling plastic in Egypt.