


Wearable pods that let musicians compose and perform tracks as vibrations on your skin

Touché is a set of wearable devices that provides a tactile dimension to musical composition and performance. The product is composed of a family of pads that can be mapped in any combination on the user’s skin. Once in place, the pads provide an additional dimension to music, as performers can compose vibration loops and temperature melodies. Played with any MIDI keyboard, and controlled, recorded and edited through Ableton (music software designed for live performances), Touché enhances the symbiotic relationship between audience and performer. By producing a wearable that makes hearing and touch equal parts of the experience, Touché not only enhances the musical performance, but could bring wider advantages to industries such as healthcare and virtual reality.


  • Marie Tricaud

    Royal College of Art

    Marie is a London based designer with a background in mechanical engineering and innovation design. She uses her multidisciplinarity as an asset to embrace design projects from start to end, working through field research, ideation and prototyping. She has worked as a design researcher and innovation designer in packaging, home appliances and construction industries. She is interested in using design and technology to empower people with new tools, both to explore the world they live in and make it a better place.more



Touché Links:

Project Website

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