
Waveband – Hearing through haptics


A wearable device to communicate through touch

Waveband is a wearable device that helps people born deaf or with severe hearing loss to enjoy easier interactions with people and their surroundings. Its principle function is to help catch the attention of a person with severe hearing loss or deafness through vibrations – either by sending a signal between two devices or by activating a single device through relevant sounds, such as the wearer’s name being called. The project was developed with three different groups of people representing the spectrum of hearing impairment.


  • Kristjan Juks

    Kristjan Juks

    Umeå Institute of Design

    My name is Kristjan Juks. As my name might suggest, I am born in Estonia in the very early 90's, a few months before independence was declared from the Soviet Union. Since then I have lived mostly in Sweden, but also studied, interned and worked in many countries, including the US, the Netherlands, Denmark and Finland. Most recently I finished my master's degree in Advanced Product Design at the Umeå Institute of Design in northern Sweden.more

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