Postdoc at microXAS beamline, SLS/PSI Switzerland. Focused on designing cells for operando characterization of energy conversion systems, XRD/XRF Imaging with synchrotron radiation and neutrons to study dynamic chemical changes. As a postdoc (2019-2021) at Laboratory of Advanced Battery at UNICAMP (Brazil), worked with Li-Air Battery design and synchrotron characterization (at LNLS – Brazil) in a project supported by CINE-Shell. PhD (2015-2019) at UFSCar (Brazil) included catalyst synthesis for Power-to-syngas (methane tri-reforming) and in situ synchrotron characterization (XAFS2, DXAS, XPD beamlines at LNLS – Brazil). Master (2013-2015) at Chemical Engineering Department of UFSM (Brazil) focused on spinels catalysts synthesis for photocatalytic processes.