Dr. Alain Tcheukam is a research scientist in the transportation infrastructure laboratory at the New York University Abu Dhabi. He received a PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from IMT Institute of Advanced Studies in 2013 in Italy. He also worked as a Post doctoral associate at the University of Pisa in 2014. His research interests include crowd flows, smart cities, mean-field-type optimization and transportation networks. Dr. Tcheukam received the Federbim Valsecchi Award 2015 for his contribution in design, modeling, and analysis of smarter cities. Alain’s current research is in the area of area of Transportation Infrastructure Management, with an emphasis on modelling transportation network disruption under sea level rise and developing solutions for improving the sustainability of transportation systems. He is currently collaborating with the Civil Engineering Department of the University of California Berkeley in USA on Infrastructure networks in coastal communities within the San Francisco Bay area.