
Juan Estuardo Bocel Pocop

Juan Estuardo Bocel Pocop


Juan Estuardo Bocel Pocop is an Engineer in Agroforestry Technology, MSc in science and technology of water resources. Currently a graduate student in Ecology Evolution and Conservation Biology at the University of Nevada, Reno.
VIsiting researcher at Atitlan Research Center (Centros de Estudios Atitlan, CEA), main topics: wastewater reuse, Water Quality, hydrology, limnology and ecology. Founder member of Junilja NGO. Interested in citizen science, environmental conservation.

From the Mayan Cakchiquel community of Guatemala, enthusiastic and keen to work together with Mayan communities of Atitlán basin, learning from the specific conditions of the basin and providing them with science-based alternatives to improve the quality of life related to the environment.

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