Uche Kenneth Udekwe is a Social Entrepreneur, an SDG Advocate, and CEO/Founder of NATAL CARES. He has great passion in Public health and ICT4D. He has Project Management background from the Federal University of Technology Akure. Uche is a One Young World Ambassador. He has an excellent Human Relation and communication skills; he can speak SIX major Nigerian languages (Igbo, Yoruba, Hausa, Pidgin, English and Sign Language) fluently. After the loss of his sister-in-law/Childhood friend at childbirth due to complication of pregnancy and delivery; he has dedicated himself to take action to put an end to maternal and child deaths or at least reduce it drastically. To achieve this goal, he started Natal Cares. At Natal Cares, Uche and his team have developed a holistic innovative solution that work across the entire care continuum to help improve maternal and child health and reduce the risk of maternal deaths and other adverse perinatal outcomes especially in under-served communities.