Zem is a young man from Toraja village. Since childhood, Zem has had high enthusiasm and dedication, he also really cares about the environment. He is aware of the importance of maintaining cleanliness and preserving the surrounding environment. Therefore, Zem often joins in social activities aimed at cleaning rivers and land in his village. Currently, Zem is running a project called MOTIC. This project aims to determine the level of air pollution and particles in Jakarta's air. Zem is aware that air quality is a serious problem in the Indonesian capital. By launching MOTIC, Zem hopes to provide useful information for the people of Jakarta and the government in overcoming this environmental issue. In carrying out the project, Zem will publish the results of this research so that the public can better understand the impacts caused by air pollution. Zem's dedication to the MOTIC project is getting stronger every day, because he wants to make a real contribution to efforts to maintain air quality in Jakarta.