
Browse projects by Priority:




Open source production

ECAL, Lausanne University of Art and Design

Customizable smart phone extensions for selfies and spying



Human-Machine Interaction

ECAL, Lausanne University of Art and Design

A digital mirror for scanning yourself and collaging your guests



Material resources

Pratt Institute

A chair that turns any environment into a campsite



Health and Well-being

Keio University Graduate School of Media Design (KMD)

This table turns assembling your child’s furniture into a game you play together

IKEA Vehicle Toy Kit

IKEA Vehicle Toy Kit

Practical learning and development

KAIST – Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

“Our idea for comes from the memory of riding a swivel chair with brothers and sisters and dreaming of being a pilot.”

Orion’s Belt

Orion’s Belt

Water and Sanitation

Royal College of Art

The average super yacht owner uses his ship for one month per year. How could the yacht be used to benefit society in its spare time?