A tracking system for mass rescue operations at sea
A DIY device for mining cryptocurrency
A tactile tool to build electronics
Delft University of Technology – TU Delft
An AI microscope that detects malaria parasites
A smart insole to ensure a correct work out
A high-tech talisman for the Latin undocumented community
An app that provides emotional support to nurses
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT)
A safe and highly visible survival tent
Asian Institute of Technology – Thailand
An insurance network to protect farmers from natural disasters
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
A biodegradable packaging for Peruvian street food
National Institute of Design, India
A system to to provide easy access to experiential teaching techniques
Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design
A badge to encourage empathy in children
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
A lightweight tool for small scale farming
A wearable device to communicate through touch